Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Solomon Project-Ecclesiastes 4:1-3

This a blog entitled the Solomon Project. It attempts to apply the wisdom books of the Old Testament in the Bible to those who suffer from addiction especially sexual addiction and compulsivity. I attempt to make my comments applicable to many different individuals that may exercise a broad array of faiths. We are presently in the book of Ecclesiastes.

We turn this week from chapter three to the beginning of chapter four. The positive statement at the end of chapter three is a concluding interlude that forms a hinge between the two parallel thoughts of 3:16-17 and 4:1-2. These positive statements bring a breath of fresh air to the book. In contrast to the gloomy outlook "under the sun." There is no perfect judgment and no perfect justice. and now in 4:1-2 there is oppression. "Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed-- and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors-- and they have no comforter." (Ecc 4:1 NIV) Psa 74:20 states: "Have regard for your covenant, because haunts of violence fill the dark places of the land." (Psa 74:20 NIV) Abuse and abuse of power fill our land. I see the effects of these abuses in my office everyday. Some of you suffering from addiction have experienced oppression. That abuse may have been verbal, emotional, physical or sexual abuse. You also may have done these things to others you may have been the oppressor. Oppression is wrong at any time because it robs the person of his basic freedoms to act freely and fully live out the image of God that he was created in. So much more could be said here.

Solomon continues on: "And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still live." (Ecc 4:2 NIV) Such violence "under the sun" in this earthly life brings Solomon to conclude that the dead are better off than those alive. There may be those who read this that will possibly think that Solomon is advocating suicide. He is merely making an observation about life. Still some readers will take this to mean that they are better off dead than oppressed. This is not meant to bring one to contemplate suicide! Addiction and compulsivity may have brought you to the point of contemplating that. The seeming hopelessness and insanity of addiction and compulsivity may bring you to that point. Remember these are Solomon's reflections on a fallen world that he observes "under the sun." Solomon says that the task given to man by God is to be happy in work because when we die it is permanent (3:22). I would strongly urge you that if you are in that state of mind call a crisis hotline or 911. Seek help for the issues that might be causing these thoughts. Solomon culminates this section by bringing it to its logical conclusion. "But better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun." (Ecc 4:3 NIV) These is certainly truth to this statement. If you have never been born then you will never have any knowledge of the oppression of mankind. But taking into account the larger context of the book you would never be able to enjoy the tasks that God has given to man either: To enjoy work, to enjoy wife and family, to live according to God's commands and to do good for others.

These three verses bring us to face the raw realities of oppression, pain and death. Oppression may also take other forms as a result of traumatic experiences. Depression, anxiety, outbursts of anger, loss of emotional control and lethargy or over control are only a few symptoms you may experience. These verses talk directly about oppression. If you have experienced oppression do not think that you will be able to change the person who committed those acts of violence. You cannot. If you have committed acts of violence and oppressed others. Connect with a peer-led group that will help you with setting things right and begin making amends. It is a large part of what we call recovery. Our time is up for today. Keep coming back it works if you work it and you are worth it!


  1. i have to admit i chuckled a bit at Ecclesiastes 4-2 and realized that my role on this planet for the time being is to make life for the next generation in my family better. the crap that i went thru as a child the generational curses from father to son and so on and so on must stop with me. i have to stop the curse and be a blessing to my wife and my children ( god willing ).

  2. Hi,soul doctor I findly made the connection to a google account. It sounds like Solomon is resigning to the way this insane world works. We didn't ask to be born here or to be male or female it just happened. In this world things keep happening which many do not make sense. I keep trying to interact with my wife in a healthy way but something always goes wrong. Ether she is upset with me or I'm upset with her but in most cases we are upset with each other at the same time. We are judging each other wrong because of something one of us has said or done something to upset the other. Trying to be a perfect husband or wife is like chasing the wind as Solomon says in 2.26. The path I follow says "The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life". I cannot find the peace of God with my thinking. Bye for now.
