Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Solomon Project: Ecclesiastes 6:10-12

This blog is for addictive and compulsive people. particularly sexual addiction, but it can be applied to any addiction. It attempts to look at the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible from the standpoint of addiction and compulsive behavior. The attempt is to approach the book in a manner that is applicable to all religious faiths and see where and what the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes has to say to us.

We continue on today in chapter 6 and will look at the final three verses. This small section falls within a larger context extending from Chapter 3:1 through 6:12 whose broad topic might be termed "The inscrutable nature of life." This chapter, chapter 6, might be entitled "the tragic circumstances of an unfulfilled life." We are ending that section today. Solomon returns to two themes he has visited before: Immutability (1:15, 3:14, see also 1:9) and Inscrutability (3:11, 22)I have been using quotations from the New International Version of the Bible.

Chapter 6:10 says: "Whatever exists has already been named, and what man is has been known; no man can contend with one who is stronger than he." (Eccle 6:10NIV) Last week we talked about material possessions never satisfying the deep longings of the heart. This week we are looking at the flip side of activity on earth. the divine side so to speak. Solomon is saying that what what exists has been named (Isaiah 40:26) in this particular Heb. verb means to cause to name or as the NET Bible says "foreordained already." The "known part of this verse has to do with appointing (Jer 1:5). Man's trajectory, has been set. The author then wisely states that no one contends with one stronger than he. The implication is that we cannot contend with God.

Chapter 6:11 says: "The more the words, the less the meaning and how does that profit anyone?" (Eccle 6:11NIV)It is pointless and futile to argue with God. The more one does it the more futile it becomes. The staccato rate at which this pointed phrase is stated becomes an even sharper barb to the those who seek to bring God to justice for perceived wrongs in this grand foreordained plan of life. Solomon says this is only futility.

Chapter 6:12 says: "For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days he passes through like a shadow? Who can tell him what will happen under the sun after he is gone?" (Eccle 6:12NIV) These are rhetorical questions. Man is transitory in nature. That is the meaning of "Meaningless" here a vapor. His life passes like a shadow (Job 14:2). No one here on earth can tell man what is good for a certain person. No one can tell him what happened before he came or appeared on the scene and what life will be like after he leaves the scene of human history.

For addictive and compulsive people these verses can be viewed two ways. Much of it depends on where you are with the Third Step: "Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." If you have willingly and freely turned your will and life over to God then these verses fit into the profound paradigm shift that happens in recovery. If the third step is a problem for you then I pray that you will come to a truce with your higher power and accept the reality of the concept. We know that powerless and mismanagement have characterized our lives. But the ability to enjoy life and the good things God has given us is a gift. Solomon has reiterated this point throughout the book. Humans stand on the stage of life for but a fleeting period of time. passing life a shadow. Solomon has led us to know that our lives meaningless here are forgotten in the after life. God knows from the perspective "above the sun" how are lives are orchestrated and how they are to be best orchestrated. When we learn how to live wisely in that context, accepting our place in life then we are no longer the quasi divine center of an ever shrinking internal universe run only by addictive and compulsive drives. The application I make today in this is a return to the third step consciously turning my will and life over to the care of God. Our time is up for today. I enjoy working through and writing these blogs and I look forward to it. So until next time--Keep coming back it works if you work it and you're worth it.

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